balked. We are really in pretty bad shape, to be candid.

Are there any alternatives? Perhaps there are. At least, there is one approach we haven't tried. We haven't tried the group, making the group our primary base. We may already have our groups. But, the existing groups are, at best, only a beginning. Usually they are for the purpose of good company or contacts. They could be developmental. A group of five or so like-minded members might provide a broader loyalty base, work

on inhibiting jealousies and generate vitality through a healthy erotic life. Could responsibility to a group produce responsibility within society? Might it be possible for balked emotional needs to be turned into creative vitality through group experience? If our emotional lives were not balked, would we be more able to reason a philosophy? It has been said that the open mind depends on the open heart. Could the developmental group work? Well, it is one alternative we have never tried!



MATTACHINE REVIEW-now in its fifth year of monthly publicationpresents varied viewpoints of value to the homosexual seeking to know himself better. Keyed to an approach devoid of bias and prejudice, it regards homosexualism as a natural phenomenon to be understood and accepted. Each issue contains articles, some fiction and true experiences, review of books on the subject, sources of literature, letters from readers, news items of importance to homophile readers. Subscriptions mailed first class in plain envelope, $4 per year; single copies 50¢. Published by Mattachine Society, Inc.

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